Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Emma is Here!

Most of you have heard the dramatic story of Emma's very early arrival on December 2nd via emergency C-Section, so I won't go over it again! She was born 7 weeks early and weighed in at 4lbs 4oz, and 17 inches long. I am recovering from surgery pretty well, all things considered. She is small, but mighty! All of the nurses have described her as "feisty" and we like that! They also asked us which of us has the temper since she tends to turn purple and get pretty ticked off when you do something she doesn't like. :) OF course, we both laughed and said that could have come from either side! We just think she is absolutely perfect though, and every moment we spend with her is heavenly!

Yesterday we moved into the Ronald McDonald house here in Reno, which is just the most amazing charity. We are literally right next door to the hospital, which is such a comforting thought. We visit with Emma twice a day usually, one time for each shift of the nurses. I am also pumping about every 3-4 hours so she has some good stuff to eat to make her strong. So far she digests the breast milk wonderfully and the formula not so much, so she definitely has a preference. The staff at Renown Medical Facility here in Reno is AMAZING and they are taking such good care of our girl.

Yesterday, beyond just gaining an ounce which we love to see, we got to change her diaper for the very first time! Then we got some snuggle time in which is our (and I think her too) favorite part of the day. She is just so calm and content when we hold her and I swear it is good for our health too! Everytime we look at her we are just amazed that we made something that awesome! Can you tell we're a little in love with this girl??

Today is our first full day working from the Ronald McDonald house and getting on a more solid schedule with visiting Emma. So far so good! This house gives us such a great starting place to get our footing under us and be the best we can be for our daughter. We're planning on going over sometime mid-morning (in a funny twist of fate there is actually a dairy down the street which I thought was SO appropriate) and again after shift change at night to tuck her in. The nice part is we're close and can visit her anytime we want to. It feels good for the heart!

Anyways, that is post one of the life and times of Emma Jennings! Our one request is that everytime you read a post on here that you stop and say a little prayer for our baby girls continued health and growth! She says to tell you all that she can't wait to meet you soon!



  1. What a great idea! I am praying everyday for little Emma... Be strong!

  2. Mommy and Daddy,
    I was also a preemee, so the beautiful Emma I am sure will be the sparkle in everyone's eye.
    Auntie Deborah
