Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Emma's First Visitor!

The last few days have been great in Emma land. She was officially upgraded from Level III to Level II, which means she is now considered non critical and expected to improve rapidly. Since she is getting all of her nutrition from her milk now, she was able to have the pic line removed which is so great for her. She also was moved to a new room where less care is required, so all signs continue to point to major improvements for our girl.

Today Matt and I took an infant CPR class which is required before we can take Emma home. My friend Jessica also drove all the way up from San Francisco to meet Emma and become her first official visitor! The picture is from them meeting for the first time, which was very sweet!

Tomorrow I am hoping to go over and help with Emma's bath time for the first time, and we continue to try and do her bottle feeds each day which is great for us. Every time we see her something new has changed and we get so excited to hear about her progress everyday.

Please keep those prayers coming as they mean the world to us and are definitely helping! We love you all!

Matt, Sara & Emma

Emma wants to say welcome to the world Baby Boy Reinfried who was born yesterday, December 14th at home in San Francisco! We anticipate a lot of play dates for these two and maybe some competition on the slopes too! Congrats Martin and Dennise!

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